- Product Recommendations -

The KIT staff is working in the field on a daily basis with clients who use electronic equipment of almost every make and model.  The information on this page is intended to share our experiences with you, both good and bad.  Whenever negative information is posted, it will be specific so you can make your own decisions based on what you read.  It is important to note that KIT and its employees are not agents for any manufacturer of any product by choice since doing so would make it difficult for us to make objective brand specific recommendations to our clients.





Laser Printers

Multi-function Printer/


Anti-virus Software

Wired Routers


MedFORCE Recommended Scanners

MedFORCE Scanner Pricelist

Medical Billing Software

Bobby Kendrick
Kendrick Information Technologies
603 E. Hwy. 67, Suite 103
Duncanville, Tx. 75137
Ph/Fx: 972-223-5146   Mob: 214-773-7377