- Keyboard Shortcuts -

Windows System Key Combinations

F1: Help

CTRL+C: Copy


CTRL+V: Paste

CTRL+B: Bold

CTRL+U: Underline

CTRL+I: Italic

CTRL+Z: Undo the last executed command

SHIFT+DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin

 General Keyboard-Only Commands

SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature

F3: Find files or folders

F5: Refreshes the current window.

CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window

Windows Logo Key Commands

Logo Key+Pause will take you to System Properties

Logo Key+D: Display desktop (minimize all windows; same as Logo Key+M)

Logo Key+F: Find files or folders

Logo Key+M: Minimize all open windows

Logo Key+E: Open windows explorer

F3 = Search for file or folder


There are lots more, too.  Check out this Microsoft link for more:  

microsoft keyboard shortcuts     or...  

press LOGO+D to display your desktop, then press F1 for help.  Then click "Index" and type "keyboard shortcuts" for a

complete list of shortcuts for your Windows operating system.  Please note that some of the shortcuts you see above will not

be listed in either place, but they still work on most operating systems, just the same.  And if you are using a special Microsoft

Natural keyboard, some of them will be different.

Bobby Kendrick
Kendrick Information Technologies
603 E. Hwy. 67, Suite 103
Duncanville, Tx. 75137
Ph/Fx: 972-223-5146   Mob: 214-773-7377