
In case you have not heard of it by now, the latest scam on the internet is called "phishing".  This is a method used in an attempt to obtain personal information from you such as your social security number, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, etc.  Phishing is a relatively simple process whereby the perpetrators create an email which is sent out to as many as several million email addresses every day asking for personal information.  What makes the phishing email effective is that the creators copy logos, fonts, etc. from a respectable company's website (such as a major bank, eBay, etc.) and create an email that looks so convincing, you could never tell it was not actually sent by the company it supposedly represents.  The email may indicate the company is updating their customer database and asks you to enter personal information, or it might tell you someone else is using your identity so they want you to prove you are who you say you are by giving them information.  Some of them will even say things like "Your account will be suspended until the completed information is received by our accounting department".  But, of course they will seldom include a phone number for you to call if you have questions.  And even if they do, how do you know who you are really talking to when you call it?  But, if they send out 2 million of these emails a day and only one half of one percent of the recipients fall for it, they will get personal information from 500 people every day and over 15,000 every month!

Its really very easy to protect yourself from this type of scam; never, never reply to any email like this from anyone, even if you are currently conducting some sort of business with that company!  Remember one very simple rule: no respectable company will ever send you an email asking you to enter your social security number, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, PIN numbers, or any other highly confidential information.  If you do receive a phishing email, please contact the company that sent the email and discuss it with them.  And be sure you call them on a phone number that is listed in the phone book!

 Click here for more information from the Federal Trade Commision about phishing.

Phishing "Lures"
What is "phishing"?
Fraudwatch International
Internet Crime Complaint Center
Justice Dept. Report on Phishing (pdf file; click here to download free Acrobat reader)
Test your "Phishing IQ"
Better Business Bureau

Sample eBay phishing email
Sample Visa phishing email
Sample Bank One phishing email
phishing and Instant Messaging


Bobby Kendrick
Kendrick Information Technologies
603 E. Hwy. 67, Suite 103
Duncanville, Tx. 75137
Ph/Fx: 972-223-5146   Mob: 214-773-7377