- Free Word Processor: Abiword -


If you need a word processor like Microsoft Word or Wordperfect, but don't want to spend several hundred dollars for each computer on which it is installed, you might want to try "Abiword" a free one offered by Abisource.com.  It is a very powerful, easy to install word processor that has most of the features included in MS Word (like spell checker) but at a much cheaper price!

The really nice feature is its ability to save documents in MS Word format so they can be opened and edited by other users who are using MS Word.  And, you can even open and edit MS Word documents that were originally created using MS Word!  It is very easy to install and will create shortcuts in your startup menu and desktop if you select those options.

ABIWORD.JPG (119439 bytes)
Click thumbnail to enlarge screenshot

You can download the program from the KIT website by clicking here, or you can visit the Abisource website by clicking here.  (Note: The file is 5.6 mb, so downloading with a dialup connection will take quite a while.  I carry the program with me, so let me know if you want a copy so I can deliver it next time I am in your office or area.  You can contact me at 214-773-7377 or by email.)

Bobby Kendrick
Kendrick Information Technologies
603 E. Hwy. 67, Suite 103
Duncanville, Tx. 75137
Ph/Fx: 972-223-5146   Mob: 214-773-7377